With this
2023 Sustainability Reportwe at 3F Filippi have decided to show our performance and our commitment
to environmental sustainability.
As Italian excellence, we are always committed to looking towards the future,
without ever forgetting our history, to continue to offer
cutting-edge solutions in the lighting sector
lighting sector, offering quality products that are increasingly efficient and reliable,
all while looking towards the
sustainable development goals proposed by the 2030 Agenda.
This Sustainability Report has been prepared according to the GRI Standards
published by the Global Reporting Initiative as indicated in the document,
reporting the information mentioned for the period from 1 January to 31 December 2023.
In particular, the contents forming part of the reporting and related disclosures were selected
with reference to the material issues identified following the "Materiality Analysis".
For further information or comments on this Report
you can send an e-mail to
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