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Customised lighting with 3F Rio: the evolution of light.
In the world of professional lighting, one of the most common problems is being able to guarantee a light distribution that is at the same time uniform, customisable and suitable for different types of environments. Often, traditional products struggle to meet these requirements, leaving areas poorly lit or with an unharmonious light. The consequence? Less welcoming rooms and reduced visual efficiency.

With our 3F Rio product, we have turned this challenge into an opportunity, offering a unique lighting solution with three different light distributions. 3F Rio is not just a light source, but a concrete answer to lighting compromises.

A unique design to solve the problem of inefficient lighting

The heart of 3F Rio lies in its lenses, designed and patented in-house by our team of experts. These unique crescent-shaped lenses are the result of extensive research and advanced technology specifically designed to address critical light distribution issues.
Crescent lenses do more than simply diffuse light: they precisely modulate it, ensuring uniform illumination that eliminates shadow areas and prevents annoying glare effects. This makes them ideal for creating comfortable and functional working environments.
One of the most innovative aspects of the 3F Rio is the possibility to choose between three different light distributions, allowing the lighting to be adapted to the specific needs of each space. This flexibility is made possible by the special arrangement of the lenses on the product, which guarantees uniform and optimal diffusion.
With 3F Rio, it is possible to create the perfect light in every situation, overcoming the limitations of conventional lighting systems.

Patented innovation for outstanding performance

Crescent-moon lenses are not just an aesthetic element but represent a true technological revolution. Their shape is designed to modulate light in a precise manner, creating lighting effects that enhance the visual experience and enhance the ambience.

The composition of the lenses and their arrangement on the product ensure a light distribution that is unrivalled on the market. This innovative approach is the result of our ability to design customised solutions, combining aesthetics and functionality.

Choosing 3F Rio means solving the problem of inefficient lighting and creating efficient, modern spaces. Thanks to our attention to detail and ability to innovate, 3F Rio is the ideal choice for those looking for superior lighting that meets everyday challenges.
Learn more about our product and how 3F Rio can transform your project. With 3F Filippi, light has never been so versatile.

Explore 2025 Catalogue, discover our tailor-made solutions for your project!

The information, at the speed of Light.
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Head office and factory
3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via del Savena 28, Z.I. Piastrella
40065 Pian di Macina, Pianoro (Bologna), Italy
Tax Code. 01033260371 - VAT no. IT00529461204
Share Capital € 3,000,000 fully paid up
Bologna Register of Companies no. 01033260371
REA (economic administrative index) No. 234613

Telephone: +39.051.6529611
Fax: +39.051.775884
The information, at the speed of Light.
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