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How doeas an optic affect lighting comfort?
Whenever we design a new luminaire, at 3F Filippi we cannot disregard certain essential features to always achieve precise control of light, improving efficiency, comfort and user well-being.

Optics are essential to ensure control of the luminous flux, contributing to improved visual comfort. Optics can be identified as the set of devices that direct the light generated by a light source and orient it in a particular direction, thus determining the light output of the luminaire itself.
In most of our products equipped with optics, we can make two major classifications, namely Symmetrical Optics and Asymmetrical Optics.

Symmetrical optics, such as WIDE, MEDIUM, CONCENTRATED, etc., are optics that have a symmetrical emission with respect to the work surface, which is therefore uniformly illuminated over its entire area. In this case the symmetry generated by the light beam can be considered equal, identifying a square light distribution, or different to obtain a rectangular distribution.

Asymmetrical optics, such as AS, BAT, BAT WD (double asymmetrical), etc. are optics that present an asymmetrical distribution with respect to an axis, with a point of maximum concentration.
This type of optic can only present symmetry in one of the two vertical planes generated by the light beam.

The information, at the speed of Light.
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3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via del Savena 28, Z.I. Piastrella
40065 Pian di Macina, Pianoro (Bologna), Italy
Tax Code. 01033260371 - VAT no. IT00529461204
Share Capital € 3,000,000 fully paid up
Bologna Register of Companies no. 01033260371
REA (economic administrative index) No. 234613

Telephone: +39.051.6529611
Fax: +39.051.775884
The information, at the speed of Light.
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