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Manitou canteen – Cavazzona (MO), Italy
Manitou is an established company at the head of an international group. With a long history of innovation and quality, Manitou stands out for its solutions for material handling, people lifting and earthmoving, thanks to its expertise and know-how.

3F Filippi’s project for Manitou consists of the creation of ad-hoc lighting for the canteen structure of the headquarters located in Cavazzona, to achieve the comfort necessary to make the space pleasant and functional, while reducing energy consumption.

For this purpose, two key 3F Filippi products were chosen:
  • 3F Six Blindo with 6500 K colour temperature and high colour rendering.
  • L 340 Diffused Light with LGS diffuser screen and IP65 frame protection rating.

This combination of products is designed to obtain uniform, high-quality lighting in a space with a large surface area, optimizing energetic efficiency thanks to the DALI system, which allows precise regulation of the light based on the presence of people and the quantity of natural light.

- 3F Six is equipped with special lenses to emit a wide light distribution and it is installed on a track in order to optimize the light points in the space and flexibly manage the lighting on the table area.

- L 340 is ideal for providing a qualitatively superior and comfortable light to the eye, particularly suitable for the kitchen area where it is essential to restore the right yield of raw materials, enhancing their quality and freshness.

In this case too we managed to guarantee an average illumination level as per specific request, satisfying the required levels of luminous uniformity and optimizing the arrangement of the lighting products to the maximum, thanks to a safe RG0 light (no photobiological risk).

3F Filippi’s rigorously Made in Italy LED solutions shine today in the Manitou canteen, improving the quality of people’s lives every day.
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Head office and factory
3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via del Savena 28, Z.I. Piastrella
40065 Pian di Macina, Pianoro (Bologna), Italy
Tax Code. 01033260371 - VAT no. IT00529461204
Share Capital € 3,000,000 fully paid up
Bologna Register of Companies no. 01033260371
REA (economic administrative index) No. 234613

Telephone: +39.051.6529611
Fax: +39.051.775884
The information, at the speed of Light.
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