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Martini & Rossi - Pessione (TO), Italy
Martini & Rossi chooses 3F Filippi technology for the relamping of the historic plant in Pessione (TO)

Each order is important for 3F Filippi. From large retail spaces to medium-sized offices, the supply of lighting fixtures and design assistance are services provided with the same attention to the needs of the designer and the performance required by the end customer. However, there are works that make 3F Filippi particularly proud, for the prestige of the client, such as the one created for Martini & Rossi. In Pessione (Metropolitan City of Turin), the company recently made its technology available for the relamping of the historic plant of one of the most famous brands in the world, now part of the Bacardi Group.

Founded over 150 years ago by Alessandro Martini and Luigi Rossi, the plant represents the history of Italian enology. Distinct but complementary areas are integrated into a single complex: together with the production departments, there is space for culture (represented by the Museum of the History of Enology and by the Mondo Martini Gallery), training (with the Bar Academy, the Botanical Room and the Old Laboratory), socializing (the Terrazza Martini and the Lounge Bar), and leisure with the Martini Store.

Different from each other in structural and architectural characteristics, the production buildings of the entire structure were previously mainly lit with fluorescent and metal halide luminaires. For the significant intervention developed in Pessione, it relied on the skills of the expert Giovanni Agnelli who, in addition to carrying out a lighting project for the new plants, implemented the technical assessment of the supplier for the other buildings, doing the necessary technical checks, department by department, to the choice of the most suitable technologies.

For the relamping, the company arranged for the adoption of high efficiency lamps, equipped with LED technology, to achieve various objectives. In addition to energy saving, Martini & Rossi revealed to the designer the need to minimize maintenance interventions, with a point-to-point replacement of the appliances that did not involve plant modifications. Compliance with the last point was particularly important, since the cost of any interventions on the existing electrical system could have considerably attenuated the economic return of the operation.

3F Filippi contributed to the achievement of all these objectives by providing various types of lighting fixtures. For this reason, the new lighting of the production areas, including the bottling and logistics areas, the company supplied over 1,000 luminaires such as 3F Linda, obviously in the LED, 3F CUB and 3F LEM version. Of the latter lighting fixture, developed together with the University of Bologna to add light and thermal performance (so as to limit maintenance interventions), 30 units with 4 LED modules were installed in the 1,000 m² cellar to offer a quality lighting even from a high height (13 meters).

Thanks to the 3F Filippi technologies used, the relamping allowed a reduction in energy consumption of more than 54%, as well as a significant improvement in the quality of the lighting, a fundamental element to ensure the correct operation of the employees and, last but not least, their safety.
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Head office and factory
3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via del Savena 28, Z.I. Piastrella
40065 Pian di Macina, Pianoro (Bologna), Italy
Tax Code. 01033260371 - VAT no. IT00529461204
Share Capital € 3,000,000 fully paid up
Bologna Register of Companies no. 01033260371
REA (economic administrative index) No. 234613

Telephone: +39.051.6529611
Fax: +39.051.775884