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Primary school of Loiano (BO), Italy
The company provided its light fixtures for the Mazzetti institute, inaugurated in September.

3F Filippi's technology proves itself as choice of excellence for educational establishments.
The company provided its apparels for the lighting design delivered to the Loiano's primary school, in the province of Bologna. Designed by the architecture firm Contini, based in Torrechiara (Parma), the new building will host was inaugurated last September and hosts the classrooms of the young students from the Emilia city and some from the nearby municipalities. The building in Loiano was designed by paying great attention to the environmental impact, in order to be included in the Region Emilia - Romagna A4 energy classificaton. Made of reinforced concrete and natural wood, the school was conceived according to the NZB approach, which provides for a limited level of polluting emissions. The project showed great attention to the quality of the shell (also insulated by the roof-top gardens) and that of the plant design and installation, with a high level of energy efficiency achieved thanks to the contribution of the 3F Filippi's lighting bodies. For the lighting project of the institute, the architects relied on the Ing.Giampaolo Vecchi Studio in Langhirano (Parma). "The architectural approach - explains the owner, Giampaolo Vecchi - required the use of lighting fixtures with some fundamental features. The high efficiency of the appliances had to be summed up with a very simple, clean aesthetics as well as a certain flexibility of use. This latter aspect, in particular, was tied to the reinforced fair-face concrete structure of the building, which limited the presence of light spots". The development of this school one decided for the use of two types of 3F Filippi manufactured lighting fixtures, installed with absolute precision by Ferruccio Maestrami fromLoiano. For the corridors one opted for the creation of long continuous lines made up of 1778 mm modules of 3F Linux DR LED, high efficiency lighting system equipped with opalized diffuser, while in the classrooms, the gym and the canteen, for the installation of 3F Travetta LED. The difference in solar irradiance between passage areas and other spaces led to differentiation of lighting management plant. In fact, in the corridors, the on / off system has been adopted, as the space is poorly reached by external light, while in other areas, artificial lighting has been designed to integrate with the natural one by installing special sensors that allow all systems to automatically adjust the flow, according to the light coming from outside. For each space equipped with these sensors, a stand-alone system has been provided. In both cases, given the current school and office regulations, the devices have a low glare level (UGR <19) so to provide the ultimate level of visual comfort in a context like a modern school where, in addition to traditional tools, teaching activity involves the use of the latest generation ones, such as interactive whiteboards LIM and tablets. Beside being comfortable, 3F Filippi's lighting fixtures guarantee, in Loiano as every high context, the utmost security for both young and adult, as these are products with RG0 free photobiological risk. In order to make the atmosphere more warm and welcoming, the color temperature of 3000 K was chosen, so to enhance the natural presence of natural wood in the rooms.
The information, at the speed of Light.
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Head office and factory
3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via del Savena 28, Z.I. Piastrella
40065 Pian di Macina, Pianoro (Bologna), Italy
Tax Code. 01033260371 - VAT no. IT00529461204
Share Capital € 3,000,000 fully paid up
Bologna Register of Companies no. 01033260371
REA (economic administrative index) No. 234613

Telephone: +39.051.6529611
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