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3F Rio is precision and reliability in alignment.
When speaking of suspended lighting systems, one often focuses on luminous efficiency or versatile configurations.
However, a less obvious but crucial detail for 3F Rio is its single suspension point, a solution designed to ensure precise installation.

A product, a suspension point.

The design of 3F Rio's suspension point in its Circular (C) configurations stems from the need to keep the luminaires aligned along the entire light row, making the luminaires neat and ensuring a uniform light output.

This engineering detail is a key advantage in avoiding one of the most common problems in long, continuous installations, where even the slightest movement can compromise the aesthetics and overall effectiveness of the lighting. To solve this problem, 3F Filippi has adopted a specific design for the hole to which the 3F Rio suspension chain is attached.
The edges of the ring have a bevel designed to fit perfectly with the suspension hook and prevent unwanted movement.

How does the alignment system work?

3F Rio's alignment system is very simple, yet extremely effective. Thanks to the chamfered shape of the coupling ring, the luminaire remains firmly in position, preventing tilting or lateral displacement. This allows the perfect alignment of the entire row of luminaires to be maintained, even in environments where vibrations or small shocks could easily compromise the stability of the suspension.

In addition, this solution greatly simplifies assembly and maintenance, making manual adjustment unnecessary. The single suspension system takes care of itself.

Attention to detail, as in this case, is what makes 3F Rio an excellent and innovative solution. Choosing 3F Rio, in fact, means relying on a system that not only provides excellent lighting, but also integrates perfectly into the environment, ensuring a constant and flawless alignment.

Explore Catalogue 2025, discover our tailor-made solutions for your project!

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Sede legal y establecimiento
3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via del Savena, 28 - Z.I. Piastrella
40065 Pian di Macina - Pianoro (Bolonia) - Italia
CF. 01033260371 - P.I. IT00529461204
Capital social 3.000.000 euros totalmente pagado
Registro Mercantil de Bolonia n.º 01033260371
REA N. 234613

Teléfono: +39.051.6529611
Fax: +39.051.775884
La información a la velocidad de la Luz.
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