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Versatile and efficient lighting with 3F Rio.
The 3F Rio range redefines the concept of lighting, focusing on versatility and efficiency through 360° light management. Designed to meet the demands of efficiency and sustainability, 3F Rio not only optimises energy use but also minimises environmental impact.

Waste-free lighting.

3F Rio is designed to provide targeted illumination through its lens, ensuring that light is concentrated exclusively in areas of interest. This ability to direct the light precisely, especially in large public spaces and industrial areas, reduces energy consumption. Every lumen produced helps companies to limit operating costs and reduce carbon emissions, contributing to environmental sustainability and energy savings.

IoT systems, automated management.

The control technologies implemented in 3F Rio Wireless products, which include motion and brightness sensors, mean that lighting can automatically adapt according to space utilisation and daylight conditions.

  • Motion sensors allow the light source to be switched on only when users are present. This solution becomes particularly useful in spaces such as corridors and storage areas.
  • Light sensors allow the light intensity to be adjusted according to the available daylight. If the room is already illuminated by daylight, the system automatically lowers the LED intensity, always maintaining the optimal brightness level.

Long live the Light!

The high-performance service life of the LEDs used by 3F Filippi, combined with the characteristics of 3F Rio, results in a significant reduction in resource consumption and disposal. The product offers an exceptional operating life of more than 100,000 hours, thus lowering the product's overall environmental impact and representing an advantage for companies that can count on a long-lasting and reliable lighting system, reducing, among other things, the costs associated with maintenance.

With 3F Rio we have reached a very high level for anyone looking for a sustainable and ecological solution that makes the most of the conditions of the environment in which it is installed, providing smart and efficient lighting.

Explore 2025 Catalogue, discover our tailor-made solutions for your project!

Continue to follow our journey with the Through The Lens series on our YouTube channel.

La información a la velocidad de la Luz.
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Sede legal y establecimiento
3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via del Savena, 28 - Z.I. Piastrella
40065 Pian di Macina - Pianoro (Bolonia) - Italia
CF. 01033260371 - P.I. IT00529461204
Capital social 3.000.000 euros totalmente pagado
Registro Mercantil de Bolonia n.º 01033260371
REA N. 234613

Teléfono: +39.051.6529611
Fax: +39.051.775884
La información a la velocidad de la Luz.
Suscribirse a lightUpdate para mantenerse en contacto con 3F Filippi: noticias, eventos y noticias del producto entregado a su buzón de correo electrónico.
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