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3F Filippi at Euroluce 2025: light brings purity
Euroluce 2025 is approaching and, with it, a unique opportunity to discover the future of professional lighting. 3F Filippi will be present at the event to unveil an unprecedented vision of light in office spaces, born from the collaboration with two prestigious architectural firms of international renown.

The next clue we can give you is that this product represents harmony and modernity.

An enveloping, boundless light

This fixture is light that becomes matter, a constant flow that designs the environment with elegance and simplicity. A true tribute to tradition and experimentation.

Where? Euroluce 2025 – Fiera Milano
When? 8 – 13 April 2025

Follow us on our social channels to stay up to date and discover the details of our journey towards Euroluce 2025.
Stay tuned, the future of light is about to ignite!

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3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via del Savena, 28 - Z.I. Piastrella
40065 Pian di Macina - Pianoro (Bologne) - Italie
CF. 01033260371 - N° TVA IT00529461204
Capital social 3 000 000 euros e.l.
Registre des entreprises de Bologne n° 01033260371
REA N° 234613

e-Mail: 3f-filippi@3f-filippi.it
Téléphone: +39.051.6529611
Fax: +39.051.775884