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Industrial and design lighting: the applications of 3F Rio.
When it comes to lighting large public spaces and industrial areas, 3F Rio is 3F Filippi's solution of excellence that adds unique and distinctive design to excellent performance. Because visual appearance counts, making 3F Rio blend harmoniously into contemporary environments.

3F Rio, special signs: Design in harmony.

The choice of lighting in large public and industrial environments is crucial for functionality, safety and aesthetic impact. 3F Rio responds to these requirements with a careful design that allows lighting to be integrated in contexts where the aesthetic aspect enhances the environment.

Customisable modular product configuration is an added value:

  • Circular configuration: this configuration is certainly ideal for creating uniform lighting in large rooms and for enhancing the design of spaces, such as lobbies in large buildings, corridors in shopping centres or large conference rooms, where the eye is important. This configuration is perfect for projects where harmonious, shadow-free light is required, while maintaining a pleasant, modern visual impact.
  • Linear configuration: this configuration lends itself to targeted and oriented lighting, such as that required for production lines, warehouses or transit spaces in distribution centres. In public environments, on the other hand, it allows for orderly and efficient lighting that guides visitors and is aesthetically pleasing.

Which applications are right for 3F Rio?

Large public areas such as airports, shopping mall galleries, conference halls, etc. are all ideal applications for 3F Rio as its light and design is able to enhance the space and architecture. The same applies to large indoor facilities where it is essential to ensure optimal visibility while at the same time being comfortable, ensuring that the design of the product blends into a modern, well-kept environment. Finally, for production lines, it is good that the installed product provides reliable, high-performance light, returning the right quality of materials in a targeted light configuration, even for intensive industrial environments.

Explore 2025 Catalogue, discover our tailor-made solutions for your project!

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Siège légal et usine
3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via del Savena, 28 - Z.I. Piastrella
40065 Pian di Macina - Pianoro (Bologne) - Italie
CF. 01033260371 - N° TVA IT00529461204
Capital social 3 000 000 euros e.l.
Registre des entreprises de Bologne n° 01033260371
REA N° 234613

e-Mail: 3f-filippi@3f-filippi.it
Téléphone: +39.051.6529611
Fax: +39.051.775884
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