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Shaping light: the 'magic' of optical lenses pt.1
Modern lighting is not only a primary source of visibility, but also a key element in the creation of ambience and atmosphere.
In shaping light, optical lenses play a key role, optimising the efficiency of light and directing it as required.

But how can light be controlled? Here is how 3F Filippi achieves the required light distributions.

The importance of shaping light

Every environment has different requirements in terms of lighting. Depending on the type of application, it may be necessary to distribute the light broadly to cover a larger area, to concentrate it on a specific point, or to achieve an intermediate distribution.

This is where our lenses come in, specially designed using the best technology. Thanks to them, we are able to shape the light beam precisely and efficiently.

Wide, Medium or Concentrated Lens?

  • Wide lens, diffuse and uniform light: This solution is ideal for environments requiring extensive coverage. This distribution guarantees safety and excellent visibility, as the light beams are projected over a wide area, minimising shadows and ensuring balanced illumination without excessive points of concentration.
  • Medium lens, coverage and precision: This solution is ideal to obtain a sufficiently wide and at the same time focused light. This distribution is the perfect solution for covering a significant area but with more directional precision than the Wide distribution. This makes it possible to cover large areas while ensuring optimum visibility in specific zones.
  • Concentrated Lens, Maximum Precision: This solution is ideal for precise, focused light. This distribution is at its best when the project needs to direct the light rays in a focused manner, minimising dispersion and ensuring high light intensity in a restricted area. This maximises visibility and creates a striking visual effect.

Maximum efficiency and quality are constantly at the heart of our lens designs, which are the ideal solution in a landscape where lighting is increasingly customised and strategic.

Explore 2025 Catalogue, discover our tailor-made solutions for your project!

Continue to follow our journey with the Through The Lens series on our YouTube channel.

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3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via del Savena, 28 - Z.I. Piastrella
40065 Pian di Macina - Pianoro (Bologne) - Italie
CF. 01033260371 - N° TVA IT00529461204
Capital social 3 000 000 euros e.l.
Registre des entreprises de Bologne n° 01033260371
REA N° 234613

e-Mail: 3f-filippi@3f-filippi.it
Téléphone: +39.051.6529611
Fax: +39.051.775884
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