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The importance of easy-to-install industrial lighting
In the industrial sector, lighting plays a key role in ensuring safety, efficiency and productivity. Choosing the right lighting products is not only limited to light quality and energy efficiency, but must also consider ease of installation.
A lighting system designed for quick installation offers numerous operational and economic benefits, helping to reduce costs and production downtime.

What are the advantages?
  1. Reducing labour costs
    In complex industrial environments, the installation of luminaires can be a significant expense. An intuitive and quick-to-install system reduces the labour hours required, cutting labour costs.
  2. Minimising production downtime
    Any interruption of production due to technical interventions results in economic losses. Easy-to-install lighting allows operations to be carried out in less time, limiting the impact on production activities.
  3. Increased safety for installers
    Simplified installation reduces the risk of errors and accidents during assembly, helping to improve workplace safety.
  4. Flexibility and adaptability
    Industrial lighting solutions with quick fastening systems and plug-and-play connections allow for a more agile and adaptable implementation to different contexts and operational needs.
  5. Long-term economic savings
    In addition to reducing initial installation costs, an easy-to-install lighting system facilitates maintenance work, making it quicker and less costly over time.

The ideal solution is 3F Rover

A concrete example of industrial lighting designed to offer all these benefits is 3F Rover. Thanks to its innovative design, 3F Rover guarantees extremely quick and easy installation, significantly reducing time and labour costs thanks to features such as:

  • Lightweight construction for easier handling.
  • Quick connection for uncomplicated assembly.
  • Intuitive fixing system thanks to the versatile pair of brackets.

For companies that want to optimise operational efficiency and achieve immediate and lasting cost savings, 3F Rover is the ideal choice.

Find out more about 3F Rover: https://www.3f-filippi.com/fr/Produits/Etanches-et-anticorrosifs/3F-Rover

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Siège légal et usine
3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via del Savena, 28 - Z.I. Piastrella
40065 Pian di Macina - Pianoro (Bologne) - Italie
CF. 01033260371 - N° TVA IT00529461204
Capital social 3 000 000 euros e.l.
Registre des entreprises de Bologne n° 01033260371
REA N° 234613

e-Mail: 3f-filippi@3f-filippi.it
Téléphone: +39.051.6529611
Fax: +39.051.775884
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Inscrivez-vous à lightUpdate pour rester en contact avec 3F Filippi: nouvelles, événements et nouvelles produits livrés dans votre adresse e-mail.
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